Here you find the most important Questions and Answers. If you have further questions, please contact us via info(at)anbf.at.

Every athlete who has a Pro Card (independent of an association) has the opportunity to apply for our Pro Show. Whether he/she is then approved by our committee depends on several factors, such as has he/she already taken part in a pro show, does he/she meet our requirements and is the class in which he/she is even offered by us? she would start.

Unfortunately, dogs are not permitted in the hall. Except, of course, assistance dogs.

No, you can also leave the event in between. You get a visitor band with which you can come and go. It is also not necessary to show up at the beginning of the event.

Children up to 14 years of age do not need a visitor ticket when accompanied by an adult.

In principle, it is possible to start with us as a minor (from 16 years of age)! However, a declaration of consent from a legal guardian is required. We will issue this declaration of consent, which must be signed and brought with you on the day of the competition! In addition, a legal guardian must be on site on the day of the competition. --> If necessary, embed a link to the declaration of consent.

Membership is automatically renewed annually unless the member deregisters from the association at least one month before the new renewal. The deregistration does not take effect immediately, but only at the end of the current year of membership. A renewal cannot be cancelled afterwards.

If the member has deregistered, he/she undertakes to be available for doping tests for a further year even after termination of membership.

An annual membership fee of €50 is charged for membership of the ANBF. The participation fee for a competition is € 130.00.
Other costs such as tanning, travel, accommodation, etc. should also be taken into account.

Yes, the ANBF offers posing seminars for its members. These will be announced via the newsletter and social media.

More information will be included in it.

The DFAC is not our umbrella organization. We like to cooperate with associations and enable athletes to start in national associations. The ANBF is its own independent association with its own classes, regulations and doping controls.

Yes! A distinction is made between press pass and filming permit.

Press pass: Newspapers, reporters, reporters on all social media who want to film the entire competition and report on it need a press pass. People with a press pass automatically have access to the backstage area.

Filming permit: The filming permit as such is specifically intended for the athlete who wants to film his/her performance (only himself and his/her supervisor). If strangers are filmed, a declaration of consent must be obtained from them. All recorded content with filming permission may not be used commercially. This is especially true for all photographers.

In order to enter the backstage area with a filming permit, a backstage pass must be purchased.

For more information see General Terms and Conditions

Basically, our system automatically saves whether you are a member and have paid the membership fee and the entry fee. It is therefore not necessary to bring your membership card with you on the day of the competition. However, photo ID is required to prove identity.
When you log in to your account on the ANBF website, you also have the option to download your membership card as a PDF.

After submitting the fully completed online registration form, an e-mail with the subject "Competition Registration" will be sent to the specified e-mail address. This e-mail is already the confirmation for participation. In addition, it is checked whether the amount to be paid has been transferred. When registering or weighing directly on the day of the competition or the day before, the ANBF will check the list again.

Registration is only possible on the day before the competition directly at the event location!

  • Please have a photo ID ready for identification and your ANBF membership.
  • Depending on the class, you will then come to the weigh-in and/or size measurement.
  • Afterwards you will receive your start number and a goodie bag from the ANBF.

No smearing or gossip is allowed, this will result in disqualification.

Furthermore, we would like to point out that according to the fire protection regulations it is not permitted to offer additional professional tanning services on site. This means that it is not allowed to spray the spot with professional equipment such as a spray tanning gun. For security reasons, we must insist that only our tanning cooperation partner is allowed to offer this type of tanning service. We want to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to ensure the health and safety of those in attendance. Applying the paint with rollers or sponges is permitted.

Registration for spray tanning is to be organized and paid for by the service provider. The ANBF has no influence on this and assumes no guarantee or liability for the implementation and quality of the service.

We will announce more details about the process. As every year, a schedule will be published.

  1. Fit: It is important that the bikini fits well and emphasizes your muscles, but is also comfortable at the same time. Avoid bikinis that are too tight or too loose.
  2. Fabric quality: Look for a high-quality fabric that is durable and dimensionally stable. Avoid cheap fabrics that may warp or fade after the first wear.
  3. Color and Pattern: Think about what color and pattern suits your skin tone and muscular body.
  4. Model: Think about which model suits your body proportions best. A triangle top is often a good choice for smaller women, while a bandeau top may be more appropriate for taller women.
  5. Comfort: Avoid bikinis with harsh seams or ties that can be uncomfortable when posing on stage. Instead, opt for bikinis with soft seams and padded cups for extra comfort.

A basic distinction is made between women and men, which means that a woman can only start in a class offered for women, for example. This does not apply to the couple posing and handicap classes.

Women Men
Women's Bikini Men's Bodybuilding Juniors (18 till 21 Years) 
Women's Figure Men's Physique
Women's Physique Men's Classic Physique
Women's Figure Master Men's Bodybuilding 
Women's Physique Master Men's Bodybuilding Masters
Mixed Pairs
Handicap (participation upon presentation of a medical certificate)


If there are enough registrations (at least 3), there will be a women's junior class where those affected will be informed of a possible start at registration/weighing.

If there are not enough participants, it could happen that the classes women or men Masters 1+2 are combined. The same applies to the women's bikini classes, men's physique and classic physique.

As organizers, we leave ourselves open to further divisions or mergers.

A double start is only possible in connection with the following classes:

  • teenage
  • juniors
  • Masters women and men
  • handicap
  • couple posing

For example, if you start juniors you can also participate in your respective weight class, e.g. for men bodybuilding up to 75kg. It's also possible if you start in the Women's Masters class. Here you can e.g. B. Do a double start in women's masters and figure. Starting in multiple weight classes or bodybuilding + physique is not permitted.

The junior class will be divided if there are enough participants.

A posing freestyle is not mandatory except in pair posing, but you can do it in all men's weight classes, juniors, teenagers, women's physique classes.

Freestyle for top 5 in the classes (not compulsory):

  • teen body building
  • men bodybuilding
  • Master's body building
  • Classic physique
  • women physique

In pair posing, freestyle is mandatory!

Yes, the maximum body weight is made up of height (in cm) minus 98. You can find more information about the individual classes under: Info.

We reserve the right to divide or combine classes. This will be decided by the competition director after the registration deadline and communicated to the athletes by the ANBF via the newsletter and/or social media.

If you don't make the weigh-in, we will have to disqualify you in the worst case. 

In case of Classic Physique/Men's Physique you can change the class and start in Bodybuilding, if there are still free starting places.

Please try to prepare yourself accordingly so that there are no unpleasant surprises!

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